Interest Income:
Interest Expense :
Net Interest Income:
Fee and commission Income:
Fee and Commission Expense:
Net fee and commission Income:
Net Interest and other gain/ Loss on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:
Net gain from derecognition of investments at amortized cost:
Other operating Income:
Net Financial Revenues:
Allowance for impairment of loans and advances NET:
Bad debts recovery/ expense:
Write-back of discounts on purchased loan portfolio :
Allowance for off-balance sheet risks:
Allowance for off-balance sheet bad debts:
Impairment of goodwill:
Net financial revenues after impairment losses:
Income originated from contractual future cashflows:
staff cost:
Administrative Expenses:
Depreciation and amortization:
Writeback of provision no longer required:
Provisions for charges Net:
Profit before income tax:
Income tax expense:
Deferred tax on investees undistributed profits:
Net Profit of the Year:
Net Profit for the Year:
Other Comprehensive Income - not reclassified subsequently to profit or loss :
Total Comprehensive Income for the year:
2014 2013
Total Weight Total Weight Growth
1,482,411,492.00 268.46% 1,376,005,243.00 262.57% 97.80%
930,225,827.00 168.46% 851,946,836.00 162.57% 96.50%
552,185,665.00   524,058,407.00   100.06%
109,121,149.00 131.46% 108,775,102.00 131.54% 100.06%
26,116,728.00 31.46% 26,084,401.00 31.54% 100.26%
83,004,421.00   82,690,701.00    
73,222,961.00 9.32% 46,877,115.00 6.61% 70.89%
32,058,454.00 4.08% 9,462,353.00 1.33% 32.68%
45,016,694.00 5.73% 46,314,249.00 6.53% 113.92%
785,488,195.00   709,402,825.00    
100,099,668.00 14.60% 79,671,786.00 12.65% 86.64%
259,102.00 0.04% 267,607.00 0.04% 112.43%
270,600.00 0.04% 148,028.00 0.02% 59.55%
30,245.00 0.00% 50,190.00 0.01% 180.64%
6,719.00 0.00% 61,079.00 0.01% 989.55%
0.00 0.00% 34,268,905.00 5.44%  
685,659,127.00 629,879,067.00  
26,163,596.00 3.69% 77,159,472.00 10.96% 296.85%
245,148,131.00 34.59% 232,914,856.00 33.08% 95.63%
126,425,230.00 17.84% 115,232,332.00 16.36% 91.74%
27,027,223.00 3.81% 24,633,760.00 3.50% 91.74%
0.00 0.00% 1,414,214.00 0.20%  
3,030,638.00 0.43% 2,863,388.00 0.41% 95.10%
708,792,085.00   704,175,151.00    
51,284,827.00 7.89% 47,192,808.00 7.28% 92.26%
7,467,965.00 1.15% 8,643,716.00 1.33% 116.05%
650,039,293.00 648,338,627.00    
251,721,337.00   242,324,112.00    
25,668,839.00 9.25% 32,664,041.00 11.88% 128.36%
277,390,176.00   274,988,153.00    
2014 Weight %  2013 weight % Growth
INTEREST REVENUE: 80,321,452 62% 10,233,405 39% 7.85
TRADING INCOME: 12,521,421 10% 5,273,129 20% 2.37
OPERATING FINANCIAL INCOME: 12,521,111 10% 10,655,334 41% 1.18
NON - INTEREST REVENUE: 25,124,215 19% 5,142,182 20% 4.89
Total Revenue: 130,488,199 100% 26,161,868 100% 4.99
NON - INTEREST EXPENSE: -20,362,124 17% -5,042,182 26% 4.04
INTEREST EXPENSES: -65,124,521 56% -9,247,004 49% 7.04
OPERATING EXPENSE: -9,857,485 8% -4,491,652 24% 2.19
TAX EXPENSE: -21,222,362 18% -251,594 1% 84.35
Total Expenses: -116,566,492 100% -19,032,432 100% 6.12
Profit Before Income Tax: 35,144,069 6,163,682 5.70
Profit of the Year: 13,921,707 10,849,190 1.28
Current Account:
Customers' Deposits:
Liabilities under Acceptance:
Other Liabilities:
Long Term Borrowings:
Total Liabilities:
Net Worth:
2014 2013
LBP FYC Total Weight LBP FYC Total Weight Growth
2450842096 1439383453 3,890,225,549 0.4559 2445175430 1436055411 3,881,230,841 0.4525 0.23%
441900800.5 259529041.5 701,429,842 0.0822 431903287 253657486 685,560,773 0.0799 2.31%
13920440.31 8175496.69 22,095,937 0.0026 14338053.45 8420761.55 22,758,815 0.0027 -2.91%
11950824.06 7018737.94 18,969,562 0.0022 12026753.55 7063331.45 19,090,085 0.0022 -0.63%
3471633.27 2038895.73 5,510,529 0.0006 3547552.05 2083482.95 5,631,035 0.0007 -2.14%
24521859.81 14401727.19 38,923,587 0.0046 24620065.47 14459403.53 39,079,469 0.0046 -0.40%
2940307654 1726847352 4,667,155,006 0.5469 2931611141 1721739877 4,653,351,018 0.5426 0.30%
2429489915 1426843283 3,856,333,198 0.4519 2471660166 1451609939 3,923,270,105 0.4574 -1.71%
5376097569 3157390635 8,533,488,204   5403271307 3173349816 8,576,621,123   -0.50%